The Horses of Glenview –”Annie”

july 7 sunset

I searched and searched my files this morning but I cannot find a picture of the Annie horse and now, well, we lost her last night to cancer.

This photo above was taken last night just after she passed. 

Rest in peace Annie Girl.


16.2 HH




21 years

Will always be remembered as:

“Matriarch of The Farm”


18 thoughts on “The Horses of Glenview –”Annie”

  1. How sad yet sweet at the same time. A beautiful picture to memorialize a beautiful horse at the sunset of her life. What a moment.


  2. Oh D… sad to hear about Annie’s passing from cancer. Hopefully she’s now running through green fields and meadows over the Rainbow Bridge keeping an eye on the REST of the gang in the barn from afar and missing you ALL as you must miss her.

    Hugs, Pam (and Sam)


  3. Oh, I am sorry, D. I normally grab my daughters to read about your horses with me – I’m rather glad i didn’t this time.

    How are Annie’s closer stablemates reacting to her being gone?


    1. Thanks Sid…that’s a very insightful question. A mare named Boo or “Boo Boo” as she’s called was stalled next to her and the two of them were always turned out together. She was calling for her off and on the next day. She’s pretty good now.


  4. Oh I am so very sorry…I have an Annie too…and love her lots….loosing a horse, their life touches you so very much…it is a very hard grief and loss. I am sure she is in heaven with Hobby and Lottie and Odie…and many others…sending up prayers and hugs.


  5. Just read through your horses of Glen View and was so touched by the photo you posted for Annie. You get better at burying the lose as the months pass but it never really goes. The


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