Hay Action


We’re in the throes of haying here.  First cutting is officially underway! 

All the pictures in this post were taken with my cell phone and then in my Photoshop Elements 8 program I used an “action” on them all called “Coffee Shop Butterscotch Vintage”.  If you don’t know about actions or never heard of them just know that they’re fun and super easy to use.  With one click I love how it can make my oftentimes crummy cell phone shots slightly more interesting.  I think Butterscotch Vintage makes these look all seventies-ish. 



I downloaded this action and a bunch of others free from The Coffee Shop Blog, probably about a year ago now.  If you have Photoshop check them out.



This is one of the hayfields here on the home-place.  I was in the process of “knocking it down” Thursday.



This was taken right after I broke something.

It was a hydraulic line, or so I was later told.  I just knew that the cutter wouldn’t go up and down like it was supposed to.

I’m a pretty observant girl.



After doing a walk-around, seeing if anything was obviously wrong that I could fix…ya right, I put in a call to the Farm Manager:

{Ring! Ring!}

Hey Todd, I got issues. Come fix this please.

I may be observant but I can’t fix much.

Then I sat and waited for my road side service; outside the tractor of course. Who’d want to sit inside when it smells so dang good outside?  Not me.  I LOVE the smell of fresh cut or curing hay.  Just love it.



That’s when I saw this little buggar one field over, wandering around all by himself in the curing hay.



(Coffee Shop Magic Sunset and Butterscotch Vintage used together).

For some reason, out here anyway, the mothers always leave their young in the middle of hay fields while they go off and graze.  I knew this lone fawn was the same one I terrified with the cutter fifteen minutes prior. 

It happens a lot, chasing fawn out of the hay, more often than not with different results.   I’m glad when I don’t connect with these little suckers – sometimes we don’t know that we have till we’re coming back the other direction and eagles or hawks have swooped in.  When I think about it, other than hunters in the fall, cars on the highway and yah, hay cutters there isn’t much in the way of predators they have to worry about in these parts.

So…Anyway…I know, kind of sad, but I guess that’s life.

On an up-note:  That late afternoon, driving back to park the cutter for the night, I noticed a mama in that same curing field.  I can only assume they were reunited and all was well in the deer kingdom for one more day.

17 thoughts on “Hay Action

    1. Darn! Just the other day had an offer come through from Adobe to purchase Elements 10 for $50 bucks. I didn’t do it. Wish I would have known you may have wanted it, I could have forwarded it to you! I will next time.


  1. I love that hay smell too although it’s been many years since I breathed it in! Lucky you! Happy to hear the fawn and Mom had a successful reunion – sadly it’s impossible to know those little guys are hiding in the hay I’m sure…..Nature’s way……….Glad your roadside service responded quickly and, I assume you and the cutter were back in biz !

    Pam (and Sam)


  2. Love these photos! And another peek into your world which is so foreign to me. I don’t even know what the smell of freshly cut hay is.

    No photoshop for me yet, but it’s getting harder and harder to resist. :)

    Happy weekend!


  3. They say people who can sing well can sing a phone book and make it sound great. Thanks for showing me it can also be done with a CELL PHONE. You have wicked talent and a gifted eye. Love your pics.


  4. Aw, love the pics of the fawn. I wouldn’t mind working on a farm (in fact, I did for awhile), but I don’t know that I could handle it when things “don’t turn out well…..”. Too sad.


  5. You are talking about my life in NC. We too have been in the hay fields, with a tractor incredibly similar, and my son found a baby deer that he picked up in his shirt and moved to safe location, which he checked on later to make sure mama found him. She did. All is well. I know the opposite side of that and it is rough for everyone. We must be leading similar lives hundreds of miles apart!


  6. Mmm, I love the smell of fresh cut anything…grass, flowers, hay. What a lovely chore…at least it seems like it would be fun. Never have done it, but the great outdoors looks sooo inviting. I’m glad the little guy is ok! ~ Sheila


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